How do I use my virtual Eddie Bauer World Mastercard®?


Your virtual Eddie Bauer World Mastercard® can be used just like a physical card. Simply enter your virtual card number, CVV and expiration date when checking out online. You can use it for one-time purchases or save it when you check out with brand partners. You can also add your virtual card to your Apple Pay, Samsung Pay or Google Pay wallet for "touchless" in-store transactions.


To view your card details in the Imprint app:

  1. Open the Imprint app
  2. Tap the Eddie Bauer World Mastercard®
  3. Tap on the virtual card to display the card options menu
  4. Tap “Show virtual card number”

This will display your virtual card number, CVV, and expiration date. Once the numbers are revealed, you can copy the information by tapping the small boxes that also appear to the right of the numbers and then paste it into any checkout flow. 


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